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❓ How to Write a Good User Story

Crafting Clarity in Agile Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating User Stories in Jira

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Understanding User Stories

A user story is not merely a request, although it may appear similar. In agile methodologies like SCRUM, a user story is essentially a description of a new feature or goal, but crucially, it's from the user's perspective. This approach places the user at the heart of the development process. The aim is to ensure that everyone involved comprehends the user’s viewpoint regarding the new feature, and the rationale behind implementing the change. Typically, a few sentences, a sketch, or a similar brief description suffices. Detailed specifications can be formulated later by the implementation team or through detailed subtasks.

User stories foster collaboration between the team and the product owner. They represent visible system changes and are concise enough to track overall project progress.

The Hierarchy: User Story, Epic, and Sub-task

User stories sit in the middle of a hierarchy.

  • Epic: The highest tier, representing a complex requirement that needs breaking down into individual user stories.

  • Sub-task: At the lower end, the specific tasks defined by the implementation team. The product owner may be unaware of the steps needed to meet the "definition of done." Thus, the team divides the user story into sub-tasks and tackles them sequentially in a sprint.

The illustration of Jira issue type hierarchy

The image above illustrates the Jira issue type hierarchy

Essential Elements of a Well-Crafted User Story

A well-defined user story should stand on its own, providing a clear understanding to all stakeholders about the goals.

Define Who, What, and Why?

For example:

"I, as a doorman, want to install a lockable door at the entrance of the building so that I can control who enters."

This illustrates how the same feature, like a "Lockable Door," can have different implications for different roles, such as a doorman versus a company director. User stories can encompass multiple perspectives for different personas.


In describing a user story, include a few sentences to set the context and outline the objectives. Avoid overly technical details; this leaves room for the implementation team to design the solution and break it down into sub-tasks.

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Definition of Done (DoD)

Clearly state what successful implementation looks like. For instance:

"The front door has a lock that the gatekeeper can open remotely after authenticating the visitor. Entry without an ID card or gatekeeper's pass is impossible."


Provide an accurate description for realistic complexity estimation in development. Use Story points or T-Shirt sizes for comparison rather than absolute time estimation, as it's often more practical in agile methodologies.

General Guidelines for User Story Creation

When crafting a user story, ensure it's easily understandable for all team members, avoiding overly technical language. It should also be feasible within a single sprint. If it seems too large to complete in one sprint during the estimation meeting, consider breaking it into smaller, more manageable stories.

Embarking on Your First User Story

Begin by focusing on the core requirements: Who is the user? What is their goal? Why is it important? These questions ground your story in user-centric design. Next, detail the context and objectives without delving into technical minutiae, leaving room for creative problem-solving during implementation.

Remember, the essence of a good user story lies in its clarity, conciseness, and relevance to the user. By adhering to these principles, you lay the foundation for a product that truly resonates with its end users, ensuring that each feature you develop is not just a task completed, but a step towards fulfilling genuine user needs.The hierarchy of Epic, User story and Sub-task

Creating a User Story in Jira

Crafting a user story in Jira is a straightforward process that embodies the principles of Agile development. Here's how you can create a Story using the Jira interface, with the accompanying illustration serving as a guide:

  1. Select the Project: Begin by choosing the appropriate project from the drop-down menu where your user story will be tracked.

  2. Choose the Issue Type: Click on the 'Issue type' field and select 'Story' from the list of options to ensure that Jira categorizes it correctly.

  3. Summarize the Story: In the 'Summary' field, provide a concise yet descriptive title for your user story. This should quickly inform team members about the essence of the feature or goal.

  4. Write the Description:

    • Start with the user story template provided in Jira to define the role, the desired functionality, and its purpose: "As a [role], I want to [capability], so that [benefit]."

    • Elaborate on the context and objectives in the 'User Story description' field. This should be a narrative that offers insight into the story's intent without being overly technical.

    • Under 'Definition of Done', list the criteria that will determine when the story is complete. These should be specific, measurable, and achievable within the sprint.

  5. Finalize and Create: Review all the information for accuracy and completeness. When you're satisfied, click 'Create' to add the story to your backlog.

Create issue window in Jira

By following these steps, you ensure that your user story in Jira is well-defined, clear, and ready for the team to take it from concept to completion. Remember, a user story is more than a ticket; it's a promise to deliver value to your end user.

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